Thursday, July 17, 2008

Story "Perfect Marriage" Published

Fifty Something Magazine has published my short story "Perfect Marriage" in their summer 2008 issue. ~ Ruth Zavitz

Monday, July 14, 2008

RPG Adventure Published

I am pleased to announce my first published effort. I contributed an adventure to the Magazine "Fight On!", a quarterly magazine dedicated to the spirit of old-school roleplaying. The editor is pleased enough that he has asked me to be a regular contributor. This is a small, independent magazine with a limited circulation - perhaps 1,000 readers.
- posted by John Hitchens

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Novel makes long list

The mystery novel SNOW CANDY made the (very) long list for a Relit Award, Canadian literary awards started by Kenneth J. Harvey to recognize books from Canadian independent publishers. The motto for the awards is: Ideas not money. For a sample chapter, visit
Best wishes to everyone for a wonderful summer.
Terry Carroll

Two Little Articles On Writing Published

I had a couple of articles on writing published in a minuscule Florida newsletter. The first article was entitled "So You Want To Write A Book Now That You're Retired" and the second "Editing Your Manuscript." ~ Clyo